Voucher service

A  service dedicated to companies operating in the film, audiovisual, theatrical and events sector which, we are sure, will help the management of these operational aspects.

Let’s find out about the products included in the voucher service

Voucher Service

Insert voucher code to view products that can be purchased


The film-audiovisual, theatre and events sector is characterised by operating methods and processing times that often do not make it easy to apply certain regulations. An example of this is the purchase and delivery of protective equipment, which most often has to be organised close to the activities to be carried out.

To deal with these objective difficulties, Framinia Services is pleased to present a service dedicated to companies operating in the film-audiovisual, theatrical and events sectors, which we are sure that will help the management of these operational aspects.

Vouchers will be made available to each requesting company for the purchase of PPE (especially safety shoes, gloves and helmets) necessary for workers obliged to wear them according to Law 81/08 (electricians, stagehands, propsmen, etc.). The Vouchers will be usable independently by each worker who, through this service, will be able to select the articles and receive them at the chosen location. Together with their purchase, workers will be provided with an information sheet and instructions on their correct use.


The selectable PPE will be identified from a wide range of items and will be made available at agreed costs to Voucher holders;

The PPE that can be selected all have the CE mark and comply with all the requirements of the Italian Legislative Decree 81/08.

Each worker who is provided with a voucher will be able to choose the products he or she prefers from those available;

By purchasing the items, the worker will watch a video tutorial on the correct use of PPE and will receive an information note pursuant to Article 36 of Italian Legislative Decree 81/08: in this way, the employer will also see that the specific legal obligation to instruct workers with respect to the devices provided is fulfilled.

The printing of the PPE delivery certificates will not be necessary as they will be digitally signed and the information note will be sent by e-mail.

Through the app (under development) you can check with one click the history of workers who have already received PPE